Water quality data from Turbinator

Water quality data from Turbinator sensors. Sensors to monitor water quality are operating in harsh environments since they are in frequent contact with water. The Turbinator turbidity and water level sensor developed by IVL works around this issue by using a laser beam and a camera to measure turbidity and water level without being in contact with water. It can be used for early warning of pollutants or for predictive maintenance of a city's pipeline network for waste- and stormwater. The Turbinator is easy to install or de-install for example when the battery needs to be changed or the sensor is moved to a new location. No drilling is required. The installation and un-installation can be done without entering the drain, thus avoiding otherwise necessary safety measures. The sensors measure distance from the sensor to the water and turbidity. The dataset contains the following columns:

  • id: identifier of the Turbinator;
  • dateobserved: timestamp of the measurement in UTC;
  • location: Well Known Text representation of the GPS location of the Turbinator;
  • turbidity: turbidity in NTU
  • distance: distance between the sensor (top of the well) and the water in meters.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Language English
Metadata language English
Theme Environment
Contact point type Organization
Contact point name Civity
Contact point email support@civity.nl
Contact point phone
Spatial Scheme
Geographical area
Temporal end
Access rights Public
Date planned
Update frequency constantly updated
Version notes
Reference system
Bounding box
Link to Geoserver False
Link to Geonetwork False
Link to DONL False
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