UNI is a science centre founded by the academic and companies, which aims at transforming society to a sustainable future with an important role to supply knowledge and... -
TP is an ICT company providing telecommunication & security solutions and services. TP’s will contribute within their main strengths; radio communication and security, and... -
Swedish Hydro Solutions
SHS complements the SCOREwater team with their international experience in providing technology and knowledge for water treatment. SHS will contribute with knowledge on... -
IVL is an interdisciplinary research institute that works on an international arena. IVL brings in cutting edge knowledge and research on water management, stormwater and... -
IERMB is a research consortium that further develop the interdisciplinary latest knowledge to SCOREwater on the study of economic, social and territorial questions in urban,... -
ICRA is a research institute that brings in novel research to provide a complete and efficient response to the problems and challenges related to integral water cycle ICRA is... -
Future City Foundation
Future City Foundation is a public-private partnership offering a FIWARE-platform (FIWARE Lab) and community for Smart City innovation. Future City fits into the vision and... -
EUT is currently the leading Technology Centre in Catalonia, and the second largest private research organization in Southern Europe. EUT has wide experience in the integration,...