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Digital tool for science center activities by Universeum

One of the objectives of the SCOREwater project is to develop digital services, games and experiences to increase awareness of and involvement in water-related issues. Universeum's role is to provide tools for transformative learning for citizens and local community engagement. Universum has developed three activities aimed at the wider public in Gothenburg in the context of the projects. One of the activities is a digital exhibition called Waterworld.

✘ High water consumption is bad for the environment and leads to high costs for the consumer

✘ Clogged drains in kitchens and bathrooms have a negative impact on the water cycle

✘ Climate fear - a large number of people are willing to help and want to make a change but do not know how due to lack of information and education in the area

✘ Difficulty finding enjoyable learning that can be done in a group and available online at the same time

The value proposition is in offering a digital exhibition within the platform of a science center. The educational platform is a good method to achieve this collective learning through interactive experiences. Because the product was developed during the pandemic, digital experiences are the most effective way to create collective learning. A digital product can also increase the reach of the product (i.e. reach more people than just visitors to the science center).

A city's water is influenced by its inhabitants and their homes, so the choice of target audience is simple: families with children aged 7-10 because children with insights often have a positive influence on their parents, and at the same time, parents want the their children's digital activity is useful. The digital experience takes place in the home environment and can last as long as families need and want. The following User story was used in the development of Waterworld: As a family we want to have fun together and at the same time gain insights and knowledge about water.

✔ Understanding and education about what influences our water consumption

✔ Knowledge about what influences the water in a city, which in turn can change user behavior and have positive effects on the environment

✔ Examples of how the individual could contribute to a better water cycle and water quality

✔ Joyful learning through digital games that create interactivity within the family

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