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Water quality reporting around construction sites


To develop and implement a generic concept for minimizing negative impact of constructing projects on quality of urban wastewater. To test the concept based on monitoring with commercially available and newly developed water quality sensors and data interpretation techniques, implemented at the West Link construction project in Göteborg, Sweden. To raise public awareness of urban surface water quality and promote water-friendly behaviour thus fostering a water-responsible society.


To monitor stormwater pollution levels for West Link construction site by connecting water quality sensors to the SCOREwater platform and to analyse and interpret the data using artificial intelligence. To assist optimizing of the on-site water treatment stations, which is employing “blue-green” technology using a crab shell waste by-product called Chitosan, with the newly gathered monitoring data. To identify problematic geographical areas, periods of time and risk factors by extending the water quality monitoring using sensors up- and downstream the construction sites and in recipients. Apart from monitoring the water quality, monitor also stormwater volumes and sewer overflows with cost effective wireless sensors for mass deployment in compliance with the Wastewater directive.


A water monitoring and management system for assisting and ensuring legal compliance of the waste water quality (Weser judgment, Wastewater directive) during construction projects. Mapbased web and app interfaces to provide the public, businesses and local government with an interactive information platform for construction site water quality and quantity. Science park activities to raise public awareness about the water cycle in general and waste water from construction sites in particular, to promote water friendly behaviour.

Innovation beyond the case

Provide new tools to the digital market for monitoring compliance with the Water Framework Directive, Weser judgment and Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive.

At large construction sites, construction companies must submit self-monitoring reports. The solution performs these measurements automatically and in real time and provides an efficient data processing system.

Pain relievers

✘ few readings received, due to the high cost of manual readings

✘ many different status report formats

✘ few measurements and no overview of pollution on smaller construction sites

✘ court has final decision on control programs for large construction sites

✘ High cost of sensors and calibration

✘ still has a high environmental impact

The value proposition is in offering an automated self-reporting system of water quality parameters for the construction companies, who are obliged to report this themselves to the government. In reality, the construction companies often outsource this work to a processor or environmental consultant, who would be the actual customer of the solution.

Gain creators

✔ better overview of the water quality of the receivers

✔ Water pollution early warning system

✔ standardized reporting database of 1) actors (e.g. construction sites), 2) circuit and water, 3) receivers

✔ would like more water quality measurements

Data and Resources

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