Predictive maintenance in storm water system

By monitoring in the rainwater system (turbidity, pH, conductivity, temperature, water level, inspection camera) the maintenance of the system can be optimized in real time.

✘ Construction sites clog the system, resulting in higher maintenance costs

✘ General sedimentation in networks, resulting in maintenance costs

✘ Combined ownership for the network

✘ Clogging of the system, resulting in higher maintenance costs

✘ Little knowledge of what is being discharged into the water receiver and by whom

✘ No cost efficient way to measure what goes into the water receiver

✘ No power to make demands on polluters

The value proposition is in providing data that can help water cycle authorities optimize the maintenance of their stormwater systems and create a holistic view of the water cycle. It will also map upstream polluters, preventing polluted water from reaching the system, placing the responsibility on the polluter.

✔ No flooding

✔ Identify who is polluting the water

✔ By knowing the quality of the incoming water in the stormwater system, it would be easier to control the emissions to receivers

✔ Want to know the water quality of construction sites

✔ Monitoring the build-up of sedimentation to prevent clogging and flooding

✔ Mapping of blockages to optimize maintenance

✔ More measuring points to identify polluters

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Language English
Metadata language English
Theme beheer
Contact point name Servicedesk
Contact point email
Link to Geonetwork False
Link to DONL False
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