SCOREwater deliverables
SCOREwater deliverables -
s::can provides internationally innovative, easy to use, digital sensors for online water quality measurement as well as the design and manufacture of terminals, systems and... -
Flood early warning system
In Amersfoort, one of the key challenges for the upcoming decades is to redesign the city in a climate-adaptive way. Due to climate change we will experience more extremes in... -
Warning system for water treatment system overload
By monitoring the water quality parameters (turbidity, pH, conductivity and temperature) in real time on construction sites, an alarm can be given if the water treatment system... -
Digital tool for science center activities by Universeum
One of the objectives of the SCOREwater project is to develop digital services, games and experiences to increase awareness of and involvement in water-related issues.... -
The SCOREwater platform
The aim of the SCOREwater platform is to provide end-users with user-friendly access to water-related IoT data and services via APIs. When examining the business model for the...