Flood early warning system

In Amersfoort, one of the key challenges for the upcoming decades is to redesign the city in a climate-adaptive way. Due to climate change we will experience more extremes in terms of temperature, drought en precipitation. By implementing measures against water- and heat-related-issues and by measuring whether these measures work in the way they were intended, Amersfoort wants to build on what it is today: a comfortable city to live, work, visit and recreate.

Within SCOREwater the municipality of Amersfoort will use data and technology within water management. Sensors will be deployed to gather data on temperature and on water-related indicators. The data coming from these sensors will be used in digital models to assess whether the city is and remains to be climate-resilient. SCOREwater is one of the projects in the program ‘Amersfoort Smart City’, in which we use data and technology to do our work more effectively and efficiently.

Focus on two geographical areas

  • The Amersfoort Central Railway Station is an area that is planned to change heavily in de upcoming years. One of the issues in this area is that predictions show high risks of flooding and of heat stress. Furthermore, it has proven to be difficult to store use water effectively and to use it to make the area greener, which is necessary to make the area more climate resilient. By deploying sensors and using digital models, we intend to gain more insight into how to effectively store, manage and use different types of water (specifically: ground water and precipitation) and to deal with heat in this area. This information will be used to assess the effectiveness of changes in the area and to include stakeholders in the development of a climate-resilient area.

  • The neighbourhood of Schothorst is a pilot area for testing climate adaptive measures. Currently, the area has problems with drainage causing a risk of flooding. Flooding is mostly an issue at times of heavy rainfall, which is expected to get worse in the future. Furthermore, extended periods of drought cause issues in the area. More effective use of infiltration methods and methods to retain water are necessary to make the area more climate resilient. By using sensors to measure what is happening and combining this information with the development of hydrological and ground water models we will gain a deeper understanding of whether the area is and will be climate resilient in the future.

Aim of this service

The aim of the SCOREwater Flood Early Warning System is to create opportunities for the city to take preventive measures (e.g. warn citizens or fire brigade, design road blockades/detours) aimed at reducing the negative consequences of a precipitation event.

Figure 1. Example of notifying citizens of potential flooding in public space via "Slim Melden" (Dutch web application)

The service consists of a data-driven model trained with many combinations of precipitation (amounts and patterns) and resulting flooding (places where water remains on the street). Based on the precipitation forecasts, the data-driven model generates a forecast of possible flooding. When flooding can be expected, a warning can be sent to the customer.

Interesting for municipalities, but it can also be useful for large utilities, landowners or other organizations.

Figure 2. Example of flooding near the Amersfoort railway station.

Pain relievers

✘ Uncertainties in conversion from weather forecast to flood forecast (based on experience)

✘ Reactive response to flooding

With the flood warning system, the available precipitation forecast and the hydrological sewer models are optimally used to automatically generate real-time insight into possible floods. By sending an alert, the city can take appropriate measures such as preventive maintenance, prepare measures and/or send warnings. Ultimately, the early warning system can reduce the damage and nuisance caused by flooding. We add value by combining detailed information from a hydrodynamic model precipitation forecast into a real-time service.

Gain creators

✔ The service uses model results to have more flood data than with measurements/observations.

✔ The service includes specific information such as sewerage and detailed information about the city in the flood forecasts

✔ It not only provides information about a worst-case situation, but is an up-to-date forecast.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Language English
Metadata language English
Theme Environment
Contact point name Civity
Contact point email servicedesk@civity.nl
Link to Geonetwork False
Link to DONL False
Show in Carousel True
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Carousel image https://ckan-scorewater.dataplatform.eu/dataset/b997f068-0b42-4cc2-b6fd-c8ece1969e2b/resource/45082037-466d-43a3-a4a4-6f31176a0ac8/download/scorewater-web-1500x500px3-1.png
Carousel text Flood early warning