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On March 22, 2023 at 11:21:31 AM +0100, Gravatar Mathieu Ronkes Agerbeek:
  • Updated description of Water quality data from s::can sensor from

    Within the frame of the SCOREwater project, BCASA and s::can installed water quality sensors in three neighbourhoods with different socio-economic characteristics (Poblenou, Sant Gervasi and Carmel) in the City Of Barcelona. To prevent vandalism, the exact location of the sensors cannot be disclosed. The sensors are monitoring physico chemical parameters in the sewer network. These data can be used for multiple purposes, both related to predictive maintenance of the sewer network and life style analysis of inhabitants of Barcelona: * a better operation and maintenance of the sewer network * minimizing odour episodes and corrosion from H2S * try to prevent blocking from sediments * detect spills into the sewer system from a construction site or illegal discharge * learn population habits from analyzing the waste water from the three different neighbourhoods * to learn about how the inhabitants use pharmaceuticals or other compounds (perhaps abusing of it). Some of the data is analyzed online and uploaded to the SCOREwater platform in real time. Some data have to be analyzed in the laboratory. The sensors are installed in what is called "the triangle". A pump fills the triangle with water from the sewer every now and then after which the sensors do their measurements. Using a s::can con::cube the data is uploaded to the SCOREwater platform. The con::cube uploads two types of data files to the SCOREwater platform: so called parameter files with data which have been converted to actual water quality information and the fingerprint files which contain the raw data used to create the parameter files. Both are stored, but only the parameter files are available online via API's. If needed, access to the fingerprint data can be provided (for instance to be able to explain strange phenomena detected in the parameter files).