Air quality data from Meet je Stad sensor
Air quality data from Meet je Stad sensor -
Soil moisture data from Meet je Stad sensor
Soil moisture Within Measure your City soil moisture was measured in order to see how long periods of rain or drought affect the moisture status of the soil. Due to climate... -
Meteorological data from Meet je Stad sensor
The city of Amersfoort wants to investigate apparent temperature (temperature equivalent perceived by humans) and heat stress. To determine apparent temperature, multiple... -
Green roof moisture data from Meet je Stad sensor
Introduction Soil moisture sensors were developed by citizen science collective Meet je Stad (Measure your City). Measure your City was started in 2015 by inhabitants of the... -
Soil moisture data from SmartCityTrees
Within the frame of the SCOREwater project, the City of Amersfoort commissioned Hoefakker to install Teneo soil moisture and climate monitor sensors at several locations in the... -
Precipitation and surface water from ROVA
Precipitation and surface water from ROVA -
Apparent temperature data
Introduction This dataset includes apparent temperature data from thermal walks organized by the City of Amersfoort (COA) to be able to evaluate how people perceive temperature... -
Flood early warning system
In Amersfoort, one of the key challenges for the upcoming decades is to redesign the city in a climate-adaptive way. Due to climate change we will experience more extremes in... -
Drought monitoring
A third effect of climate change on the urban environment is drought: long periods with no significant impact on precipitation. Urban vegetation (parks, trees), historically... -
Apparent temperature monitoring and validation
With this service, the apparent temperature (perceived temperature equivalent) is examined by people and heat stress. To determine the apparent temperature, several measurements...